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The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science: A Scientist’s Warning

The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science: A Scientist’s Warning by Peter J. Hotez is a short, frightening analysis of the rise of anti-science sentiment in the United States and throughout the world. In it, Hotez argues that “anti-science has become a dangerous social force that threatens both our national security and global stature as a nation renowned for its research institutions and universities (xii).” Hotez is particularly well-suited to provide such analysis and warning. He is a well-respected pediatrician and scientist.…
October 9, 2024


And so this book isn’t a Hallmark Special where love is easy to come by through coincidence, easily won through sheer cuteness, and lasts forever.  This love is messy, difficult, and surprising, and it rings true.  It is also a story filled with unforgettable but tiny moments that can slip by without notice if the reader isn’t careful.
September 18, 2024