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Author Index


A. Chadwick Ray
5 articles
A.C. Fisher
1 article
Aaron B. Franzen
1 article
Aaron Belz
4 articles
Aaron Brown
2 articles
Aaron R. Crouse
1 article
Aaron B. Franzen
1 article
Aaron Kuecker
1 article
Abigail Carroll
2 articles
Abigail Knutson
1 article
Abraham Kuyper
1 article
Abram Van Engen
4 articles
Adam Brooks Webber
1 article
Adam Perez
1 article
Al Hoksbergen
1 article
Al Mulder
1 article
Alexandra Barylski
1 article
Allan Janssen
7 articles
Allison Backous
1 article
Allison De Jong
1 article
Alvin Plantinga
1 article
Amanda J. Barton
1 article
Amanda Bakale
1 article
Amanda Bruehl
1 article
Amanda Munroe
1 article
Amy Plantinga Pauw
1 article
Amy Nemecek
1 article
Andrew Hoogheem
1 article
Andrew Lansdown
1 article
Andrew Root
2 articles
Andy McCoy
1 article
Angela Carpenter
1 article
Angie Crea O'Neal
2 articles
Ann Hostetler
1 article
Ann Iverson
2 articles
Anna J. Cook
1 article
Anna Jackson
1 article
Anna Redsand
1 article
Anna Visser
1 article
Ann Conklin
1 article
Anne Whitehouse
2 articles
Annie Laura Smith
1 article
Annie Reilly
1 article
Annie Valkema
2 articles
1 article
Anthony B. Robinson
3 articles
April Fiet
4 articles


Barbara Crooker
9 articles
Bart Garrett
1 article
Becca Morrison
1 article
Becca McBride
1 article
Becky Barkema
1 article
Becky Starkenburg
0 articles
Ben Meecham
1 article
Ben C. Ollenburger
1 article
Ben Dixon
1 article
Benjamin Lappenga
1 article
Bert deVries
2 articles
Bert de Vries
1 article
Beth Carroll
4 articles
Beth LaNeel Tanner
1 article
Bethany Besteman
2 articles
Betsy DeVries
1 article
Bill Stadick
1 article
Billy Norden
1 article
Bob Vander Lugt
1 article
Brad Nelson
1 article
Bradley G. Lewis
1 article
Brandon Haan
1 article
Brent Newsom
2 articles
Brett Foster
2 articles
Brett Vander Berg
1 article
Brian H. Cosby
1 article
Brian Keepers
3 articles
Brian Madison
1 article
Brian Porter
2 articles
Brian Walsh
2 articles
Bruce Benedict
1 article
Bryan Berghoef
1 article
Byron Borger
1 article
Byron Noordewier
1 article


Caleb Lagerwey
3 articles
Calvin VanErgens
2 articles
Cameron Brooks
2 articles
Carl Mosser
1 article
Carol Cook
4 articles
Carol Westphal
3 articles
Carol Bechtel
1 article
Caroline J. Simon
3 articles
Carolyn Raar
1 article
Carrie A. Miles
1 article
Chad Carlson
1 article
Chad Engbers
1 article
Chad Pierce
2 articles
Chad Pollard
1 article
Channon Visscher
1 article
Charles C. Adams
1 article
Charles Rampp
2 articles
Charles W. Green
1 article
Charlotte Mew
1 article
Chris Jacobsen
1 article
Chris Schoon
1 article
Christiana de Groot
3 articles
Christina Van Dyke
1 article
Christina Edmondson
2 articles
Christine MacLean
1 article
Christine Visminas
1 article
Christopher Dorn
2 articles
Christopher Ganski
1 article
Christy Berghoef
4 articles
Chuck DeGroat
5 articles
Clarence Walhout
1 article
Clay Carlson
4 articles
Clay Libolt
1 article
Clayton Libolt
1 article
Cody Adams
1 article
Cody Rozeveld
1 article
Cole Hartin
2 articles
Colin Hoogerwerf
1 article
Cornelis Kors
1 article
Corwin Smidt
1 article
Craig Detweiler
1 article
Crystal Hadidian
1 article
Crystal Wright
1 article


D.R. James
8 articles
D.S. Martin
28 articles
Daina Carr
1 article
Dan Young
1 article
Dana VanderLugt
7 articles
Dana VanderLugt
0 articles
Daniel Boerman
2 articles
Daniel C. Harlow
1 article
Daniel J. Hoolsema
1 article
Daniel M. Griswold
1 article
Daniel Meeter
33 articles
Daniel R. Miller
1 article
Daniel Bowman Jr.
1 article
Daniel Den Boer
1 article
Danny Iverson
1 article
Darwin K. Glassford
2 articles
Dave Harrity
1 article
Dave Larsen
6 articles
Dave Pettit
1 article
Dave Von Bieker
2 articles
Dave Warners
1 article
David A. Hoekema
7 articles
David A. Phillips
1 article
David Crump
2 articles
David Denny
0 articles
David G. Myers
5 articles
David I. Smith
4 articles
David J. Diephouse
1 article
David L. Stubbs
6 articles
David Landrum
1 article
David Schaap
1 article
Dave Schelhaas
16 articles
David Warners
1 article
David Athey
2 articles
David Banga
1 article
David Blauw
1 article
David Cho
1 article
David DeJong
1 article
David E. Timmer
8 articles
David G. Myers
2 articles
David A. Hoekema
2 articles
David J. Leugs
1 article
David Landegent
1 article
David P. Gushee
1 article
David Pettit
1 article
David Ryden
2 articles
David Scholer
1 article
David Timmer
8 articles
David Wygmans
1 article
David Zwart
1 article
Dawn Boelkins
2 articles
Dean L. Overman
1 article
Dean Van Farowe
1 article
Deborah J. Shore
1 article
Deborah Leiter
1 article
Deborah Van Duinen
6 articles
Debra L. Freeberg
4 articles
Debra Rienstra
11 articles
Debra Freeberg
1 article
Debra Rienstra
0 articles
Dennis Feaster
1 article
Dennis N. Voskuil
1 article
Diane Glancy
2 articles
Dirk Hollebeek
2 articles
Dirk Walhout
1 article
Don Luidens
4 articles
Don Wacome
1 article
Don Luidens
0 articles
Donald Cronkite
4 articles
Donald Oppewal
1 article
Doug Brouwer
5 articles
Douglas J. Brouwer
8 articles
Douglas Howard
1 article
Douglas L. Koopman
3 articles
Debra Rienstra
3 articles
Duane Smith
1 article


E. Louise Beach
1 article
Edirin Ibru
1 article
Edward H. Schreur
4 articles
Edwin Mulder
1 article
Elizabeth Heeg
2 articles
Elizabeth Y. Heeg
0 articles
Ellen Stephen
1 article
Ellis Purdie
1 article
Emily Grace
2 articles
Emily Helder
1 article
Emma Slager
1 article
Eric Kuiper
1 article
Eric Lawrence
1 article
Eric O. Jacobsen
1 article
Eric Potter
3 articles
Erin Mueller
1 article
Ethan Brue
2 articles
Eugene E. Roberts
1 article
Eugene Heideman
2 articles
Eunice McGarrahan
3 articles
Evelyn Diephouse
3 articles


Faith Lee
1 article
Francis Fike
7 articles
Fred D. Mueller
3 articles
Fred Harrell
1 article
Fred L. Johnson
2 articles
Fredrick Zydek
2 articles


Gabriel Fackre
3 articles
Gail Gunst Heffner
1 article
Gail White
1 article
Garth E. Pauley
1 article
Gayle Boss
2 articles
Gayle Doornbos
1 article
Gene Rubingh
1 article
George Brown Jr.
3 articles
George G. Harper
1 article
George Hunsinger
1 article
George Marsden
1 article
Glenn Meeter
1 article
Gordon Wiersma
2 articles
Grace Claus
2 articles
Grace H. Shaw
2 articles
Grace Olson
1 article
Greg Huteson
2 articles
Greg Lookerse
2 articles
Greg Scheer
2 articles
Greg Sinclair
1 article
Greg Town
1 article
Gregg Mast
3 articles
Gregory Jones
2 articles
Grey's Anatomy
0 articles


H. Russel Botman
1 article
Hak Joon Lee
6 articles
Hans Ostrom
2 articles
Harlan Van Oordt
1 article
Harlan Van Oordt
1 article
Harold J. Recinos
2 articles
Harry Boonstra
2 articles
Heather Brandau
1 article
Heather Cadenhead
2 articles
Heather Sellers
1 article
Heidi De Jonge
0 articles
Heidi Garnett
2 articles
Heidi J. N. Rupke
1 article
Heidi De Jonge
0 articles
Helen Luhrs
2 articles
Hendrik Hart
1 article
Henry Stob
2 articles
Herb Brinks
0 articles
Herb Brinks
4 articles
Howard Schaap
8 articles
Howard Vanderwell
1 article


I. John Hesselink
6 articles


J. Barrie Shepherd
2 articles
J. David Moser
1 article
J. E. Bennett
1 article
J. Jeffrey Tyler
1 article
J.P. Sundararajan
1 article
J. Todd Billings
10 articles
J. Barrie Shepherd
2 articles
J. Bradley Wigger
1 article
Jack R. Van Ens
3 articles
Jack Roeda
1 article
Jack Du Mez
1 article
Jack Hickman
1 article
Jack Ridl
2 articles
Jack Van Ens
1 article
Jack Van Marion
1 article
Jacob Schepers
1 article
James Daane
3 articles
James K.A. Smith
10 articles
James K.A. Smith
5 articles
James LaGrand
1 article
James V. Brownson
2 articles
James VandenBosch
6 articles
James D. Ernest
1 article
James Bratt
14 articles
James Dewey
2 articles
James K. Mead
1 article
James Kennedy
1 article
James R. Skillen
1 article
James Schaap
17 articles
Jane Cronkite
2 articles
Jane Zwart
4 articles
Janel Curry
3 articles
Janel Kragt Bakker
1 article
Janet Ruth Heller
1 article
Jared Ayers
3 articles
Jared Lee
1 article
Jason Lief
15 articles
Jay D. Green
2 articles
James Bratt
0 articles
Jean Janzen
1 article
Jean Schreur
1 article
Jeff Barker
1 article
Jeff Crosby
1 article
Jeff Gundy
1 article
Jeff Haanen
1 article
Jeff Japinga
1 article
Jeff Munroe
26 articles
Jeff Ploegstra
1 article
Jeffrey L. Sajdak
3 articles
Jeff Munroe
29 articles
Jenell Paris
1 article
Jennifer L. Holberg
10 articles
Jennifer L. Holberg
0 articles
Jennifer Maier
2 articles
Jerome L. McElroy
1 article
Jessamyn Rains
3 articles
Jessica Bratt
2 articles
Jessica Stockton
1 article
Jessica Whipple
2 articles
Jennifer L. Holberg
0 articles
Jill Carattini
4 articles
Jim Barton
1 article
Jim Hibma
1 article
Jim Kerbaugh
0 articles
Jimmy Carter
1 article
Jo Taylor
7 articles
Joanna Eleftheriou
2 articles
Joe Sarnowski
2 articles
Joel Carpenter
1 article
Joel Vander Wal
3 articles
Joel Veldkamp
1 article
John Calvin
3 articles
John D. Suk
1 article
John H. Primus
1 article
John H. Timmerman
2 articles
John Hubers
2 articles
John M. Mulder
2 articles
John Rollefson
3 articles
John Suk
1 article
John A. Bernbaum
1 article
John Bernbaum
1 article
John Bolt
1 article
John Coakley
1 article
John D. Cox
1 article
John D. Witvliet
1 article
John Donne
1 article
John Grey
2 articles
John Hoyer
1 article
John Hulst
1 article
John L. Bell
1 article
John P. Burgess
1 article
John P. Tiemstra
5 articles
John Rottman
1 article
John Sikorski
1 article
John Terpstra
3 articles
John Timmer
2 articles
John Timmerman
0 articles
John Van Sloten
1 article
Johnathan Kana
2 articles
Jon Pott
3 articles
Jon Austin
1 article
Jon Brown
1 article
Jon Witt
3 articles
Jonathan Elgersma
1 article
Jonathan Hiskes
3 articles
Joseph D. Small
1 article
Joseph Byrd
1 article
Josh deLacy
1 article
Josh Vis
1 article
Joshua Banner
2 articles
Joshua Bode
1 article
Joshua Herr
1 article
Josiah A. R. Cox
1 article
Judy Tanis Parr
2 articles
Jules Green
1 article
Julia K. Stronks
2 articles
Julie Walton
1 article
Julie L. Moore
3 articles
Justin Bailey
2 articles
Justin Lacour
2 articles
Justin Meyers
2 articles
Justin Pannkuk
1 article
Jennifer Ryden
1 article


K.G. Munro
1 article
Kaitlyn Schiess
1 article
Kama Jongerius
1 article
Karen An-Hwei Lee
4 articles
Karen Jackson
1 article
Karl Griffith
1 article
Karsten Voskuil
2 articles
Karsten T. Voskuil
1 article
Kate Bolt
3 articles
Kate Kooyman
9 articles
Kathe L. Palka
1 article
Kathleen Markland
1 article
Kathleen Verduin
1 article
Kathlyn Dekens
1 article
Katie Kalisz
1 article
Katie Manning
2 articles
Katlyn DeVries
2 articles
Katrina Tomlin
1 article
Katy Sundararajan
1 article
Keith Mannes
6 articles
Keith Starkenburg
8 articles
Kenneth Hermann
1 article
Kenneth O'Keefe
2 articles
Kent Fry
7 articles
Kent Van Til
2 articles
Kerin Beauchamp
3 articles
Kevin Park
2 articles
Kevin Alton
1 article
Kevin De Young
2 articles
Kevin Germer
1 article
Kevin LaTorre
1 article
Kevin McMahan
1 article
Kevin Slusher
1 article
Kimberly Phinney
1 article
Kristen Livingston
1 article
Kory Plockmeyer
1 article
Kris DeWild
1 article
Kristin Slater
1 article
Kristin vanEyk
1 article
Kristina Erny
1 article
Kristine Johnson
1 article
Kristine Gritter
1 article
Kristy Manion
1 article
Kurt Rietema
1 article
Kylie Galloway
1 article


L. Ann Jervis
1 article
L.S. Klatt
3 articles
L. Ward Abel
2 articles
Landon Van Berkum
1 article
Larry Alphs
1 article
Larry Alderink
1 article
Laura Smit
1 article
Laura de Jong
2 articles
Laura Furlong
2 articles
Laura Hicks Hardy
1 article
Laura McGrath
1 article
Laura Reece Hogan
3 articles
Laurie Furlong
1 article
Laurie Klein
5 articles
Lawrence Dorr
6 articles
LC Gutierrez
1 article
Laura de Jong
0 articles
Leanne Van Dyk
5 articles
Lee Hardy
2 articles
Len Batterink
1 article
Lesley Clinton
2 articles
Leslie Harkema
1 article
Lewis B. Smedes
1 article
Linnea Scobey
2 articles
Lisa Van Arragon
1 article
Lisa Ampleman
2 articles
Lisa DeBoer
2 articles
Liz Estes
2 articles
Liz Niehoff
1 article
Liz Sharda
1 article
Lory Widmer Hess
1 article
Louis Ford
1 article
Luke Hawley
1 article
Lydia Marcus
1 article
Lynn Domina
3 articles
Lynn Japinga
2 articles


Malcolm McBryde
0 articles
Mandy Suhr
1 article
Marc Malandra
2 articles
Marci Rae Johnson
3 articles
Marda Messick
1 article
Margaret Bendroth
1 article
Margaret Jenista
1 article
Maria Krebs
1 article
Marie Ippel
2 articles
Marijke Strong
1 article
Marilyn McEntyre
2 articles
Marilyn Paarlberg
2 articles
Marilynne Robinson
1 article
Marj Terpstra
1 article
Marjorie Gray
1 article
Marjorie Maddox
4 articles
Marjorie Power
2 articles
Mark Bjelland
1 article
Mark D. Bennion
1 article
Mark Hiskes
9 articles
Mark Husbands
1 article
Mark Jarman
2 articles
Mark Lucas
1 article
Mark Mulder
3 articles
Mark Putnam
1 article
Mark Roeda
1 article
Mark Stephenson
1 article
Mark Vellinga
2 articles
Marla Lunderberg
2 articles
Marlin Vis
4 articles
Martha LaBarge
1 article
Mary S. Hulst
7 articles
Mary Grace Mangano
1 article
Maryann Corbett
2 articles
Matt Walhout
1 article
Matthew J. Andrews
2 articles
Matthew Kaemingk
1 article
Matthew Pullar
1 article
Matthew S. Vos
1 article
Matthew Tuininga
2 articles
Meg Jenista
2 articles
Megan K. DeFranza
1 article
Megan Marie
1 article
Melody Meeter
2 articles
Merold Westphal
3 articles
Micah L. McCreary
1 article
Michael Bruner
2 articles
Michael Hardeman
1 article
Michael J. Pahls
1 article
Michael Andres
2 articles
Michael Borich
1 article
Michael DeJonge
1 article
Michael Kugler
4 articles
Michelle Chin
2 articles
Mike Owens
1 article
Miriam Ippel
2 articles
Miroslav Volf
1 article
Mischa Willett
2 articles
Mitchell Kinsinger
3 articles
Mwenda Ntarangwi
1 article


N. T. Wright
1 article
Nancy Huggett
2 articles
Natasha Bredle
1 article
Nathan Bierma
2 articles
Nathan Groenewold
2 articles
Nathan Johnson
1 article
Nathan S. Busker
1 article
Nathan Williams
1 article
Nathan Groenewold
0 articles
Nathaniel Perry
2 articles
Nathaniel A. Schmidt
11 articles
Neal Plantinga
1 article
Neva Evenhouse
1 article
Nick Overduin
1 article
Noah Livingston
2 articles
Norm Kansfield
1 article
Norman Bendroth
1 article
Norman Kolenbrander
5 articles
Norman Wirzba
2 articles


Olivia Oster
1 article
Otto Selles
3 articles


Pamela J. Henshell
1 article
Patrick Moran
1 article
Paul Fries
1 article
Paul Hooker
2 articles
Paul Janssen
4 articles
Paul Ryan
1 article
Paul J. Willis
7 articles
Peggy Goetz
1 article
Perspectives Journal
10 articles
Peter Bratt
2 articles
Peter Bush
2 articles
Peter Jonker
1 article
Peter W. Marty
1 article
Peter Bast
1 article
Peter Enns
1 article
Peter J. Dellolio
2 articles
Peter Layton
1 article
Peter Rozic
1 article
Peter TeWinkle
1 article
Phil Letizia
2 articles
Philip C. Kolin
1 article
Pierce Taylor Hibbs
3 articles
Piet J. Naude
1 article
Piet Koene
1 article
Priscilla Atkins
1 article


Quinn Fox
1 article


R. Todd Wise
1 article
Rachael Butler
1 article
Rachel Griffis
1 article
Rachel M. Venema
1 article
Rahn Franklin
1 article
Ralph Blair
1 article
Ralph Davis
1 article
Raymond Oliver
1 article
Raynard Smith
1 article
Rebecca Warren
1 article
Rebecca A. Spears
2 articles
Rebecca Koerselman
2 articles
Rebecca Lilly
1 article
Reginald Smith
1 article
Reinder Van Til
1 article
Renee Emerson
6 articles
Renee House
1 article
Rosemary Apol
0 articles
Rhoda Janzen
3 articles
Richard J. Mouw
11 articles
Richard E. Burnett
1 article
Richard St. John
2 articles
Rick Burns
1 article
Rick Bursky
2 articles
Robert E. Dahl
3 articles
Robert Hubbard
3 articles
Robert J. Hubbard
6 articles
Robert Lowes
3 articles
Robert Erle Barham
2 articles
Robert S. Horton
1 article
Robert Todd Wise
1 article
Robert Vander Lugt
1 article
Robert Wilson
1 article
Rocky Balboa
1 article
Rod Jellema
1 article
Roger Karny
1 article
Roger Nelson
0 articles
Roger Singer
4 articles
Roger Van Harn
1 article
Roland Hoksbergen
1 article
Ron Riekki
2 articles
Ronald A. Wells
9 articles
Ronald Feenstra
1 article
Ronald T. Michener
1 article
Ronald Wells
2 articles
Ronnie Sirmans
2 articles
Rose Postma
83 articles
Rosemary Apol
1 article
Roy Anker
1 article
Roy M. Anker
8 articles
Ruth Graham
2 articles
Ryan Boes
1 article
Ryan Faber
2 articles
Ryan Keating
1 article
Ryan Struyk
1 article
Ryan Stuyk
0 articles


Samuel Loncar
2 articles
Samuel Wells
1 article
Sara Sybesma Tolsma
8 articles
Sarah Coakley
1 article
Sarah Kalthoff Sims
3 articles
Sarah M. Wells
2 articles
Sarah Reardon
1 article
Sarina Gruver Moore
2 articles
Scot Sherman
3 articles
Scott Hoezee
42 articles
Scott Culpepper
2 articles
Scott Hoezee
0 articles
Scott Monsma
1 article
Scott Schuleit
1 article
Scott VanderStoep
3 articles
Sean O'Neill
1 article
Seth Wieck
4 articles
Sewon Jang
1 article
Shari Wagner
1 article
Shelbi Gesch
1 article
Shelley Bourdon
1 article
Simona Goi
1 article
Sorina Higgins
1 article
Stella Nesanovich
2 articles
Stephanie Smith
1 article
Stephen T. Davis
2 articles
Stephen Matheson
1 article
Stephen Shaffer
1 article
Stephen T. Berg
2 articles
Steve VanderVeen
3 articles
Steven McMullen
2 articles
Steven Peterson
3 articles
Steven Rodriguez
4 articles
Steven Searcy
2 articles
Steven Walters
1 article
Sue A. Rozeboom
3 articles
Susan Cowger
2 articles
Susan Felch
1 article
Susanna Childress
7 articles
Suzanne Bratt
1 article
Suzanne McDonald
2 articles
Syd Hielema
1 article
Sydney Lea
1 article


T.M. Moore
2 articles
Tabitha Speelman
1 article
Tania Runyan
1 article
Tanner Smith
1 article
Taylor Holbrook
1 article
Thomas A. Boogaart
1 article
Telford Work
1 article
Terence Cuneo
1 article
Terrence Kenney
1 article
Terry A. DeYoung
1 article
Terry Kleven
1 article
The Editors
1 article
Thea Leunk
1 article
Theresa F. Latini
5 articles
Theresa F. Latini
1 article
Theresa F. Latini
0 articles
Thom Fiet
10 articles
Thom Satterlee
1 article
Thomas A. Boogaart
3 articles
Thomas Allbaugh
1 article
Thomas B. Phulery
6 articles
Thomas A. James
1 article
Thomas R. Thompson
1 article
Timothy Van Deelen
3 articles
Timothy Pennings
1 article
Timothy Brown
1 article
Timothy Haglund
1 article
Timothy Larsen
1 article
Todd Steen
4 articles
Todd V. Cioffi
1 article
Tom Boogaart
15 articles
Tom C. Hunley
4 articles
Tom Truesdell
1 article
Tony Jelsma
2 articles
Traci J. Macnamara
2 articles
Travis D. Else
2 articles
Travis West
6 articles
Trina Baker
1 article
Trygve Johnson
5 articles


Vanessa Funk
1 article
Vern Ratzlaff
1 article
Vito Auito
1 article


Yudha Thianto
1 article


Zac VanderLey
1 article
Zachary K. Pearce
2 articles