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Time: A Non-Renewable Resource

I recently came across a letter I wrote to my wife as I was beginning my fiveyear prison sentence. There in my tiny little cell at the county jail, awaiting the terrifying uncertainties of the years ahead, I was learning just what old convicts mean when they say, "Do your time. Don't let your time do you." Here's an excerpt: My mind just won't quiet down. I keep pacing the room, laying down, getting up again. I tried sleeping some…
Johnathan Kana
December 16, 2010

Tribute to Jim Bratt

Among all of us who are currently members of the Perspectives editorial team and board, no one can recall an edition of the magazine or a board meeting that did not involve Jim Bratt. Since 1998 Jim has worked at most every level of the operation, including as one of the main editors across the last half-dozen years. In short Jim has been involved with Perspectives for most of the years since this journal joined forces with the former Reformed…
December 1, 2010

Tree Hugger!

Here's a statement I hear rather frequently where I live and work: "Well, of course, I'm no 'tree hugger,' but..." and then follows a mild expression of concern about some part of the creation. For many people in my part of the country, being known as a "tree hugger" is a shameful thing. I'm not sure why they feel this way, but I suspect it grows out of a fear of being identified with people--"radicals"--who have chained themselves to old…
Dave Schelhaas
December 1, 2010

God will Juxtapose and Juxtapose

I'm walking down my Main Street in the Februar y dark, that greedy New England nighttime that will hog the last part of ever y winter afternoon. It's five-thirty on a Wednesday and the air is cold and damp, and I am on my way to a shop they call Essentials to buy two dozen candles for a wrought iron chandelier I bought today. I pass our resident steel drummer whose thin tin rhythm makes me think about long under…
Linda McCullough Moore
December 1, 2010

Thus Saith Google

The volume had fallen behind a row of books in one of my office bookcases--I must have set it on top of a row of books and, at some point, it had gotten knocked to the back of the bookcase. That's where I found it laying on its spine, a distinct layer of dust covering the edges of its yellowed pages. The volume is my copy of The 1979 Hammond Almanac, which during my freshman year of high school I…
December 1, 2010

Observations on the World Communion of Reformed Churches

It was my great privilege to attend the Uniting General Council of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) in Grand Rapids, Michigan, this past June. I was able to attend only the first half, and I was not a delegate, just an accredited "observer" for the Reformed Church in America (RCA). But, while the full news and reports of the Uniting General Council are available from many sources, it seems fitting that I as an observer make a few…
Daniel Meeter
December 1, 2010

The Year of Living Like Jesus

Ed Dobson describes himself as a follower of Jesus, literally, beard and all. Dobson grew up in Ireland but moved to the United States in 1964 and eventually attended Bob Jones University. Not long after graduating, he became the vice president for student life at Liberty University, working closely with his friend Jerry Falwell. In 1987 Dobson left Liberty for Calvary Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he Dobson for eighteen years as the senior pastor. After being diagnosed with…
Brad Nelson
December 1, 2010

An Age of Diversity

I moved to Nashville, Tennessee, in 1969 into a working-class white-flight neighborhood with large lawns and small houses. Today the neighborhood includes African Americans, Koreans, Vietnamese, Iraqis, and Latinos. The signs along Nolensville Road are in many different languages. You can still get barbeque, for which I am grateful, but you can also get falafel, kim chi, and tacos, for which I also am grateful. The Bible's Message in an Age of Diversity is the subtitle of Curtiss Paul DeYoung's…
Charles W. Green
December 1, 2010


"Take the story we retell every epiphany," said my pastor, Jack Roeda. So, here it is, the story we retell every epiphany: the magi saw a star rise, and it pulled them to Bethlehem, where they saw God incarnate, and then they went home the long way, evading Herod (Matthew 2). "But these sage astronomers also took the long way to Christ," Jack said; "they took the route of general revelation." Indeed. The magi, as yet unacquainted with Christ, did…
Jane Zwart
December 1, 2010