Everything Sad Is Untrue: (a true story) Blog Post

I’m often reminded that the best we can offer each other is a cure for loneliness (found in story!) and empathy, which are all found on the pages of Daniel Nayeri’s glowing novel. 

Parable of the Lost Blog Post

quick breath, heart beat clock strike: each metronome tick-tocks past paths that arch like R’s bowl, back by another route …

How to Reconcile with a Brother Blog Post

I could build him a barn, a big one, as wide as the sky, red, to show my love and to confess I share the same blood …

Be Killing Sin Blog Post

I was 7 and riding the school bus home to the trailer we lived in back then …

Above the Tree Line Blog Post

When God wanted to speak, God’s mountain goat jawbone locked shut …

Everything that Rises Blog Post

Everything that rises must converge; or rocket in reverse. I ruminate, lifting fallen coleslaw.

Known Blog Post

And Adam knew his wife, who through the knowing bore Cain. You are handsy in the Uber …