Politically Correct Bonhoeffer Blog Post

Of the making of books (and films and recordings) by and about Dietrich Bonhoeffer there is no end, apparently. The Lutheran pastor, theologian and political resister who died at the hands of the Nazis in the closing weeks of the Second World War has seldom been out of the theological limelight since the posthumous publication of his Letters and Papers from Prison in the early 1950’s. His close friend, biographer and literary executor, Eberhard Bethge, is now deceased, but a…

Loaf Blog Post

Snow sieves over the lawn like and angel’s torn eiderdown minus the comfort …

Our 19-7 Bridge Blog Post

It’s a long way from a short bridge on the Illinois Waterway to contemplation about synodical decisions on sexuality. We all seek connections to God’s truth the best we can. For me, this story about a bridge helped me think about the complex tension between tradition and change. One hard truth is that we all have 19-7 bridges in our lives.

The Akedah in Roseland Blog Post

To my young eyes, my father had always been a man of Abrahamic proportions: a passionate believer, ardent of heart, lithe of mind, a compelling evangelist–he had converted his own parents to Christian faith.  He never cussed, he never lost his temper, he rarely cried.  He was the most upbeat, optimistic person that I, in the narrow circle of my life, had ever encountered.  And he had an almost Abrahamic sense of divine destiny that he carried with him.  He…

What Now? After Synod Blog Post

Some time has passed since June’s Christian Reformed Church Synod 2024. The Reformed Journal reached out to several people from across the CRC asking them to respond to three questions.

Will There be Marketing in Heaven? Blog Post

The Bible tells us that we are to anticipate a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness (2 Peter 3:13). In this new heaven and new earth we read that we will plant vineyards and eat their fruit, build houses and dwell in them, and that we will long enjoy the works of our hands (Isaiah 65:22-23). Before we call to God, he will answer us, and while we are still speaking he will hear us (Isaiah…