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We are not individuals placed in the world to seek our own pleasure but members of a community bound together in love, which finds one of its highest and fullest expressions in marriage and the family. In our intimate relationships, as in larger settings such as the church, we should show love and respect and live in mutual submission to each other.
December 4, 2023

“Testimony” by James C. Schaap

On the second episode of the holiday special by James C. Schaap, author and retired English professor, James shares “Testimony.” Today, an arrogant artist who proudly calls himself elitist agrees to narrate the simple holiday program at his church, and is startled to find himself on his knees on Christmas Eve.
December 3, 2023

The Reformation According to Janet

As Janet spoke, though, it came to me again that religion mangles the Gospel sometimes. It had, for example, taught both Janet’s and Chester’s parents a harsh script, and they had acted it out; it was Janet who bore the spiritual pain of that bad teaching.
November 27, 2023

“Forgetting Jesus” by James C. Schaap

This is the first episode of the holiday special by James C. Schaap, author and retired English professor. Today, an eighth grader, fed up with smarmy Sunday School Christmas programs, races home to find a baby Jesus doll, only to discover, slowly, something she had never pondered about the gift in the manger.
November 26, 2023

The Seamless Life: A Tapestry of Love & Learning Worship & Work

Even though the idea of proximate has remained part of my thinking and living for the last twenty years, I confess that I have often been tempted to give up. If I haven’t yet lost my dynamic of hope, I think I am in the process of losing it, given the fractured and violent world we currently inhabit. So it seems this book came to me at just the right time, at a time when I needed to, as Garber…
November 22, 2023

Children Entering the Kingdom

One Israelite tradition, the dominant one, held that wisdom came with the experience of years and that the elders bore the responsibility of codifying and passing it on to children. ... The other tradition held that wisdom resided in children who saw the world afresh and often had a keener sense of God’s presence and purposes than their elders.
November 20, 2023