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From the falling form
of an intricate vase,
water was freed,
each flowing cluster and drop
a complexity of light,
color and motion
spilling excitedly through the air
amidst one vivid yellow rose
and several white lilies
tumbling into space,
the glazed ceramic vase shattering,
scattering flowers,
shards and splinters
and splashing water
onto the exact geometries
of a tiled floor,
the incident wild and beautiful
like an explosive shout
against whispered rituals
of behavior.

Photo by Sindy Strife on Unsplash

Scott Schuleit

Scott Schuleit is the Associate Pastor at North Palm Baptist Church. His poems have appeared in several publications, including Ekstasis, The Penwood Review, and Christianity & Literature.  He is the author of one book entitled: A Pernicious Correspondence: Letters from a Devil (Prevail Press, 2021).