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Merely a Line in the Sand: A Model for Christian-Muslim Dialogue

Robert Todd Wise The development of the church in Ethiopia has parallels in the Western world that fascinate any student of church history. The separate, similar relationship between ecclesiastical and secular authorities is one such parallel, and it resembles interactions that have taken place time and again in the history of Western Christianity. As well, the growth of Protestant movements in Ethiopia in recent times has the character of reformation movements, creating lively discourse among differing traditions. The complex meetings…
Robert Todd Wise
March 1, 2014
As We See It

Shuffling the Team

Dawn Boelkins I've never understood the point of Fantasy Football. Why go to the trouble of investigating all the professional football teams, disassembling them, and realigning the players in made-up teams? Aren't there sufficient games? An abundance of statistics? Exuberant mascots? I have even less understanding now that we've done quite a bit of shuffling on the Perspectives editorial board. We're grateful for the unflagging enthusiasm of Steve Mathonnet-VanderWell who joined the editorial board in 2007 and — just one…
Dawn Boelkins
January 1, 2014
As We See It

Theme and Variation: Prayer, Enstrom’s Grace, and Calvin

Howard Schaap When I was in my early teens, my dad announced rather formally that he would no longer be praying before our family meals. Considering that, breakfast aside, he had prayed at virtually every family meal of my life up to that point, this was a significant announcement. Prayer could become just a rote exercise, went his explanation, and he didn't want to fall into the trap of the Pharisee in the parable, praying empty words. This did not…
Howard Schaap
January 1, 2014

Boasting: It is Included

Matthew S. Vos I'm an accomplished loser. I really am. I don't offer this bit of self-deprecation to vaunt my humility right before revealing a long list of breathtaking accomplishments. In truth, I've won only three things during my forty-four years on God's good earth. When I was thirteen, I won Cadet of the Year for my work accumulating merit badges in a scout-like group in our Christian Reformed Church. However, that year they split the award between two of…
Matthew S. Vos
January 1, 2014