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Redefining Youth Ministry in a Postmodern Culture, Revitalizing Reformed Churches

INTRODUCTIONWe are living in confusing times. Many culture watchers are convinced that our society is undergoing a transformation of broad proportions. This cultural shift goes by various designations. Some observers tell us we are in the throes of a transition from a Christian to a post-Christian era. Others declare we are moving from a Constantinian to a post-Constantinian situation. But the most widely used description suggests we are witnessing the emergence of a "postmodern" society. Whatever may be the preferred…
Duane Smith
August 1, 2007

The Weird World of Christian Sci-Fi

It's been many years now, but I can still remember the intense emotional rush inspired by Luke Sky walker lifting an X-wing spacecraft in the murky swamp planet of Dagoba. It was a feeling of inexplicable awe and excitement, one that would help make the Star Wars trilogy one of the paramount events, not just in my childhood, but my life. This guy was lifting a spaceship...with his mind! With the FORCE!! How amazing is that?! Fast for ward a…
Edirin Ibru
August 1, 2007

A Parable of Hospitality

I am constantly trying to convince my husband that our nine dollar monthly investment in basic cable is worth every penny, even on our meager seminary students' budget. Our arguments change very little each time we have this discussion: He argues that our money could be better spent elsewhere (perhaps on ice cream) and that television is simply a series of advertisements that subtly, but persistently, warp how we view the world. I attempt varying counterpoints--that television brings us information…

Reconnecting Young People with the Disconnected Church

Imagine a young person falling out of her chair asleep during the sermon. How would those around her respond? Would they blame her for being inattentive or the pastor for being long winded? Eutychus, a young man, sunk into a deep sleep while Paul kept on talking. He then fell from the window and died. Paul raised him from the dead, broke bread and ate, and they talked until daylight (Acts 20 ). I wonder what those present thought about…
Darwin K. Glassford
August 1, 2007

Adolescent Passion: A Connection Between Church and Culture

As I write this essay, there are only three days left until the arrival of the long-awaited Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Like Harry Potter fans worldwide, I have been anticipating the arrival of this book for the past two years. I've even pre-ordered it from amazon. com, which I admit is not as impressive as waiting in lines at local bookstores for the synchronous global release. My adolescent neighbors and friends, from ages ten to sixteen, have been…
August 1, 2007

Prayer and Pastoral Care

One should not be misled by the title, Pray Without Ceasing, for this is not just another book about prayer. It is indeed about prayer, for there is a brief exposition of the Lord's Prayer as an illustration of prayers of petition, and there are lengthy discussions of prayers of intercession, prayers of lament, prayers of confession, and prayers of praise, thanksgiving, and blessing. These chapters are rich with insights about prayer as such, but the purpose throughout is to…
I. John Hesselink
June 1, 2007

Devouring Each Other

Often on a particularly stressful day, I will make the intentional decision to visit a nursing home or the home of one of our church's shutins. Whatever is wrong keeps me from concentrating on sermon preparation or background reading, so I go and try to do some small, good thing. It works every time: I spend an hour listening to the stories that folks want to recall and share. Some are happy stories from the past, others an acknowledgement of…
David A. Phillips
June 1, 2007

Anguish and the Almighty: Theodicy 2007

The governor of Virginia had it right when he alluded to Job at the memorial gathering for the victims of the shootings at Virginia Tech. How could such things happen in the world of an almighty and all-good God? For the Reformed tradition, which accents the divine sovereignty over histor y, such a question is particularly insistent. As with Job's struggle, we are dealing with theodicy, "the justification of God in the face of evil." In the wake of a…
Gabriel Fackre
June 1, 2007