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Before and After: While It Was Still Dark

The movie Before and After (1996) opens with the quiet narration of a young girl. Sitting alone in her tree house, she reflects that life may be going along fine until suddenly something happens that changes everything. From that moment on you date your life as being lived either before or after. Philosopher Nicholas Wolterstorff makes a similar observation in his book Lament For a Son (1987). About his son's death he writes: "The world looks different now. . .…
Jack Roeda
April 16, 2004

The Plain Truth

They chuckled softly and wagged their heads remembering the times they'd been converted--gone to the front. Ed went three times; Junior only once. He'd tried time and again, but he was only eleven years old and they didn't take his raised hand seriously. Of course, he didn't wave it around, like in school to get the teacher's attention. Church was too serious for that. Perhaps they didn't see his small arm and hand, bent up at the elbow. But they…
Herb Brinks
April 16, 2004

POETRY by J.E. Bennett

SEDGES All winter, above, under snow, their hearts fed on dank earth, their fronds loved the wind. Between storms, a crow landed and squawked to them, cawed like an only friend. In warming, winter's dross was a hint of something more than promise and blind faith-- the curlew's cry, in portent, rent the still air, and the lake surface took it with calm rippling; while between the lake and the road three large wooden crosses, erected by a man who…
J. E. Bennett
April 16, 2004

How Has Mel Offended? In Praise of The Passion of the Christ

"By his foes derided, by his own rejected": only once in a great while do critics begin beating up on a film months before its premiere. I was half dreading the prospect of seeing Mel Gibson's The Passion, and it was with trepidation that I gathered the resolve to go to the theater. It had been buried daily under reams of criticism, all of which boiled down to three main complaints: it lacks context, it's too violent, and it's anti-Semitic.…
Daniel C. Harlow
April 16, 2004

Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ: A Theological Critique

Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ has stirred up more than its share of controversy. All the culture wars and disputes about the role of religion in public life have come to the surface in the debate surrounding this film. Among Christians, evangelicals have embraced the movie even as moderates and liberals have been more critical. But within the Christian community I am aware of strikingly little theological discussion concerning this film. This essay will offer some observations intended…
James V. Brownson
April 16, 2004

Airplanes and Embryos

Sometimes, when I'm strapped in my seat, a strange body close on either side of me, two hundred of us altogether packaged like eggs in this long, narrow tube, I wonder, is this what Leonardo DaVinci and the Wright Brothers and all those zany, imaginative madmen in between who dreamed of flight and tried to fly, is this what they had in mind?  I don't think so.What they were after, I think, was the feel, the ecstasy, of flying that…
Dave Schelhaas
March 16, 2004

The Sound of Silence

Now that The Passion of the Christ is playing in the theaters, we can reflect a moment on how it played in the culture prior to its Ash Wednesday release. Most obviously, it provoked another dust-up in the culture wars. From the Left came warnings of anti-Semitism, warnings apparently borne out when director Mel Gibson's father asserted that the Holocaust was "mostly fiction." The real fiction, retorted some critics, lay with the original four gospels, to which Gibson was naïvely…
March 16, 2004

God and On-Star

Marvel once again at the ingenuity of the television and radio commercial writers. You've heard the General Motors On-Star ads. A woman is in her car in the middle of nowhere and an emergency arises. She pushes her On-Star  button and there is an immediate answer from the heavens via satellite phone. Locked out? We'll unlock your car right now over the air waves. Flat tire? We know exactly who to call and they will be there as fast as…
Eunice McGarrahan
March 16, 2004

John J. Timmerman: 1908-2004

John J. Timmerman was a father, grandfather, great-grandfather, friend, a teacher's teacher, a master stylist, a fine literary critic, a good and fair-minded chairman, a fine writer, and above all, an exemplary Christian.  Perhaps telling the story of my long acquaintance with him will give some particulars to nail down these assertions.My first acquaintance with John J. Timmerman was when I sat, on my first day at Grand Rapids Christian High School, in a freshman class. The door opened and…
George G. Harper
March 16, 2004