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There is a road
that goes out
at night
into the dark
inside us all.

I have walked that road,
alone and broken,
in midnight hours,
in early morning hours
before the sun’s come up,
before the world hums with life,
looking for a light,
spilling across the lawn
onto my path
from a cracked door,
unlocked and waiting
for me to follow
up over the sidewalk
onto the grassy knoll,
and into the entryway—
to knock,
to push through,
to see
that Love,
who is waiting
in the quiet,
My child, My child.”

Photo by Sixties Photography on Unsplash

Kimberly Phinney

Kimberly Phinney is a national award-winning educator, English professor, and professional photographer. Her writing has been published in Ekstasis, Humana Obscura, Ruminate, Wild Roof, Fathom, The Dewdrop, and Calla Press, among many others. She has her M.Ed. in English and studied at Goddard’s MFA program in Creative Writing. After surviving severe illness in 2021, she’s earning her doctorate in counseling to help the marginalized and suffering. She was recently featured on ABC’s Good Morning America for her national teaching award and health story. Visit her literary community at and on Instagram @thewayback2ourselves.


  • Daniel says:

    Amen. Thank you!

  • Joyce Looman Kiel says:

    Thank you for this beautiful poem. I sent to a dear friend of mine who is grieving multiple deaths of loved ones in a short amount of time.

  • Emily Jane VandenBos Style says:

    Am moved by this poem. Also, prompted to reflect on … how changing the final line to “Beloved, Beloved” – would alter the power relationship to Divinity. Such scripture, poems can be. For pondering. Gratefully so.