aul Tyson embarks on a nuanced exploration of this intricate relationship, dissecting the prevalent false harmony between Christian theology and modern science, and ultimately weaving a narrative that encourages a novel integrative, but potentially uncomfortable, coexistence between the realms of faith and empirical inquiry.
If our goal is not to punch our ticket to heaven and escape this world, but to live into the reality of the new creation, the role of Christian mission needs to be more than just teaching people to say a prayer or understand a truth. The goal is to have people see new creation in us, through us, and around us.
Justin MeyersMarch 7, 2022
My son, who only knows cameras to look like i-Phones, was silenced by the discovery of his grandfather’s camera. He ran his fingers over each button until his curiosity was satisfied enough to move onto another. And then he hit the button that released the back panel of the camera, the place where 35 mm film was once stretched and loaded like a canvas awaiting its artist. My sister and I smiled at his sheer delight in this mysterious contraption.…
Jill CarattiniOctober 25, 2021
I have found great freedom in this gentle posture. It allows the space to get things wrong, continually learn, and recognize we always read scripture informed by our needs and cultural context. This means it is okay to grasp only part of what scripture might be saying. It is okay to get it wrong here and there. That’s why we work these things out in community.
Nathan GroenewoldOctober 18, 2021
The theologian and the musician in Bonhoeffer continuously interacted – not only in the sense that his theology informed his musical judgments, but also that his musical knowledge and sensibilities helped him to think through and express some of his most significant theological ideas.
David E. TimmerApril 19, 2021
As Sophie and I were painting and chatting she paused with paintbrush in hand and asked, “What does being a Christian mean to you”? It was such a basic question, yet it caught me off-guard.
Tom BoogaartApril 5, 2021
To start the story with inherent goodness (that has been forgotten) would mean that the story is not about making our badness good, but about remembering who we are.
Marijke StrongMarch 29, 2021 We live in suspicious times. I wore a mask during my most recent trip to the grocery store. As I was checking out, I noticed an unmasked woman glaring at me. No words were exchanged, and yet I got the distinct feeling that she was saying something like: “oh, so you’re one of them.” It is entirely possible that I misread her body language, or that I was feeling overly sensitive, or that she was the one feeling judged…
Justin BaileyJune 18, 2020