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What Kind of Harley-Davidson Would Jesus Ride? Blog Post

Five years ago my buddy, Duane Shrontz, and I rendezvoused at the Waukesha County Fairgrounds, 15 miles west of Milwaukee, for the 95th anniversary celebration of Harley-Davidson motorcycles (see “Gone to Hog Heaven,” Perspectives, October 1998). He rode his new Dyna-Wideglide straight through from Salt Lake City, Utah, not even stopping for the thunderstorm that tossed him about in its cross-winds on the eastern slopes of South Dakota. But that was Duane. Combine his love of motorcycles with his stubborn…

Inexpressible Sweetness:Jonathan Edwards’ History with God Blog Post

This age reveres personal choice in religious matters and deems personal feeling the test of what is authentic, and even Reformed churches are heeding popular culture’s call to “do your own thing.” Given that, it is helpful to hear what the Reformed tradition has to say on these trends. One gem in Reformed thought, one that is too little known, is Jonathan Edwards’ “Personal Narrative.” In contrast to Edwards’ weighty theological discourses, this short autobiographical essay provides a show-and-tell demonstration…

Barbed Questions and Bread from Heaven Blog Post

Listen in on a conversation between Jesus and a crowd of persistent people gathered on the shores on the Sea of Galilee. It is the morning after the feeding of the thousands back on the other side of the lake. A conversation between Jesus and a crowd of people? Chances are, it was more like a high-stakes press conference, with questions being shouted from all corners of the crowd. There is a certain haphazard, disconnected, non-sequitur quality of this encounter…

The Akedah in Roseland Blog Post

To my young eyes, my father had always been a man of Abrahamic proportions: a passionate believer, ardent of heart, lithe of mind, a compelling evangelist–he had converted his own parents to Christian faith.  He never cussed, he never lost his temper, he rarely cried.  He was the most upbeat, optimistic person that I, in the narrow circle of my life, had ever encountered.  And he had an almost Abrahamic sense of divine destiny that he carried with him.  He…

Sport and War in a Television Culture Blog Post

We have a TV in our home. It rarely gets used. So I can’t claim to be an expert on television programming. However, when I have occasionally engaged in a 30 minute channel flipping exercise, I am shocked–shocked by the content, yes, somewhat, but more so by the lack of variety. All the imagery that greets me from the flickering screen is blandly uniform regardless of the channel I call home. I am beginning to think that the worst part…

The World After September 11: The Challenge of Religious Pluralism Blog Post

The events of September 11 have presented considerable spiritual challenges to contemporary culture. I would like to discuss one aspect of one of these challenges which, specifically, is how to engage persons of other faiths in a manner consistent with grace and truth. How do we honor their right to practice a religion different from our own, respect them as persons, love them as beings made in the image of God, and yet maintain the integrity of our own faith?…

In Search of the Great Goodness: The Poetry of Jane Kenyon Blog Post

Along with others, I have grown weary of the term postmodern as the blanket characteristic covering our time. The term simply carries along too much baggage, and each bag opens, as a postmodernist would say, on different meanings for different audiences. From spiritual and ethical positionings, from ways of perceiving the world, and from ways of holding all human products up to critical scrutiny, analysis, or distortion, postmodernism has settled like a dense fogbank on the scholarly imagination. One of…

In Just Spring Blog Post

It’s a basic tenet of the Calvinist faith by which I was raised that those sinners who haven’t plumbed the depths of their own darkness simply are not capable of comprehending the blinding luminosity of grace itself. I rather like that equation, but then I live on the Great Plains, where the Lord wrote the textbook on winter. Because out here we know winter, I’m willing to lay down hard cash that we know, therefore, more deeply the joy of…

The Icon Blog Post

When Papa’s widow, Della Kley, died in 1966, her estate’s inventory resembled a Salvation Army Store–cheap stuffed furniture not worth recovering, kitchen appliances long outdated and chipped remnants of a Sears Roebuck dinnerware set. Della saved Papa’s Bible, a leather-bound Scofield edition, several of his favorite gospel tracts and the remainders of the moderately priced jewelry he’d given her during their courtship near the turn of the last century. Everything suggested the life and times of a poor Protestant widow,…