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Base Running as Obedient Art Blog Post

What is competition?  We talk about healthy competition, ensuring competition, and being a competitive person, all of which have positive connotations.  Americans, in general, see it as a good thing, or, if not good, at least natural . . . like a self-regulating free-market or an undisturbed ecosystem in balance.   For this reason it’s not surprising that in defining the word competition, the Webster dictionary uses both business and organic competition as its secondary examples.  The primary definition however is…

What has Managua to do with Baghdad? Blog Post

Watching the preparations for the recent Iraqi War gave me a disturbing feeling of deja vu. The Bush Administration issued ever more dire warnings about the danger posed by Iraq, though no imminent danger seemed evident to Iraq’s neighbors. From the start it seemed clear that the Bush Administration wanted to settle this “crisis” militarily; their requests for Congressional and U.N. approval were grudging gestures designed to placate critics and provide legitimacy for a course of action already decided upon….

The Morality of Wealth Blog Post

About twelve years ago, Glenn Tinder asked in a landmark Atlantic Monthly article the vitally important question, “Can We Be Good without God”? He said we could not. The crucial question that John Schneider addresses in his new book is “Can We Have God and Our Goods”? That is, can we have God and our bulging financial portfolios, our Mercedes Benzes, our mega-houses, our summer cottages, our luxury vacations, our electronic toys, our closets full of clothing, our storage garages…

Angels in Brown Boxes Blog Post

Angels were very real to ancient believers and very significant. As we shall see, they were the embodiments of the love of God, and they depicted how this love flowed from the heart of God and gave life to the world. The story of Jesus’ birth cannot be meaningfully told without them. But angels are not real to believers living in the 21st century.

Deep Waters Blog Post

This summer my son Nathan and I took a ten-day adventure to Isle Royale–that long green stone nestled in the northwestern waters of Lake Superior. For six days and five nights, we lived with the foxes, moose, red squirrels, and wolves that had arrived on the island long before humans. They were most neighborly hosts. A moose and her calf stepped aside to share the path at Lake Ritchie, a fox helped herself to plump grasshoppers springing about at our…

The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism Blog Post

Part of the beauty of the Reformed tradition is its emphasis on discernment that may often walk a fine line between extremes. Therein lies a tricky part of our witness and walk as faithful disciples of Jesus: we are not called to win or to necessarily be in power, but to be faithful. Alberta’s book is one useful tool to that end.

The Amazing Love of God! Blog Post

Even though I attempted a sermon on this text nearly thirty years ago, it is still not without fear and trembling that I attempt to make an explanation of it now. Because under the surface of these beautiful and memorable words which have brought comfort and peace to untold thousands of penitent sinners, there lies the never completely penetrable depth of God’s mysterious dealings with a race of men estranged from Him. To consider this text at all is to…

Will There be Marketing in Heaven? Blog Post

The Bible tells us that we are to anticipate a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness (2 Peter 3:13). In this new heaven and new earth we read that we will plant vineyards and eat their fruit, build houses and dwell in them, and that we will long enjoy the works of our hands (Isaiah 65:22-23). Before we call to God, he will answer us, and while we are still speaking he will hear us (Isaiah…