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A Word to Gatekeepers Blog Post

I’m no theologian, but I am a Bible-reading Christ follower, and after rereading the gospels recently, I can’t cite an instance where Jesus meets needy people honestly seeking him and keeps them away: Samaritans, prostitutes, lepers, adulterers, demon-possessed, tax collectors, prodigal sons. Regardless of their sins or ailments or reputations, he opens the gate to every one of them. It’s the Pharisees and, sometimes, the over-zealous disciples he reprimands for trying to close it.

Seeing Blog Post

I’ve submitted to endless rounds of treatment and taken buckets of medications for one thing: Life Moments. By that, I don’t mean the completion of a “bucket list” of meaningful experiences. I mean Life Moments as the intentional investing into something outside of myself that brings joy.

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

What Makes You Bloom? Blog Post

Could we become more compassionate, loving, grounded humans when we discover what makes us bloom?

Footnotes to Fiction: Confessions of a Post-Pandemic Wannabe Novelist. Blog Post

That I’d written a novel surprised people because I have a Ph.D. in American Culture Studies and for many years taught college courses and wrote nonfiction books about film and media. My day job kept me busy enough. (Maybe that’s why I lost sleep over whether to kill off my erudite professor character.) But I have this story I’ve always wanted to tell, and started carving out time to do some research, make notes, and organize material until I could finally commit to writing. Free at last!

The Canons of Dort: God’s Freedom, Justice, and Persistence Blog Post

Whether you love the Canons, are deeply suspicious of them, or would rather not have to think about them at all, everyone will gain something from the background that Heideman provides, his explanation of the Articles, and how he questions and expands upon them.

“Particle (Meta)physics” by Thomas Schmidt Blog Post

In this episode of the poetry edition at the Reformed Journal Podcast, Rose Postma interviews Tom Schmidt about his poem, “Particle (Meta)physics.” Schmidt is a retired humanities professor who began submitting his poetry in 2018. Since then, he has published two chapbooks, Enough to Drink or Drown (Kelsay Books, 2020) and Like, A Metaphor (Encircle Publications, 2021), and more than fifty of his poems have appeared in journals, including Christian Century, Solum Literary Journal, Penwood Review, The Cresset, and Jewish Literary Review. ”Particle (Meta)physics” appears in Rowing with Either Oar, Tom’s…

Politically Correct Bonhoeffer Blog Post

Of the making of books (and films and recordings) by and about Dietrich Bonhoeffer there is no end, apparently. The Lutheran pastor, theologian and political resister who died at the hands of the Nazis in the closing weeks of the Second World War has seldom been out of the theological limelight since the posthumous publication of his Letters and Papers from Prison in the early 1950’s. His close friend, biographer and literary executor, Eberhard Bethge, is now deceased, but a…

Making a Home for the Heart Blog Post

For anyone who parents, works with families, wonders about the nature of the spiritual life and its connection to families, cares about learning, or teaches others in any of these areas, The Power of God at Home: Nurturing Our Children in Love and Grace comes as a welcome relief and pleasure, even inspiration. As J. Bradley Wigger makes clear from the outset, this is not another “how to” book that inadvertently instills in the reader feelings of guilt or inadequacy…