Still Practicing
It’s not very often that you want an instant faith do-over. If I think back through my life carefully, there might be only two or
It’s not very often that you want an instant faith do-over. If I think back through my life carefully, there might be only two or
N. T. Wright’s excellent book focuses on sanctification during “all that time in between” the “now” of conversion and the “not yet” of the fully
At the end of spring semester, I know it’s coming. It’s most often an honest question from both colleagues and non-teachers alike, though sometimes the
I have loved the Belhar Confession for twenty-seven years. I am proud that the Reformed Church in America (RCA) has adopted the Confession as a
In the voluminous literature of child rearing and family health, the work of psychologist James Dobson stands eminent. Dobson received his Ph.D. in Psychology from
“Anything yet?” “Ha!–not a very good job of sneaking up on me this time, Dad. Stepping on that crusty plowed snow by the road gave
“She hit him with a rock! He had to be given twelve stitches!” According to the angry woman standing outside our front door, I had
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