Told You So, Dad
Debra Rienstra Obviously, even in my late forties, I still have some father issues to work out. I realized this afresh as I was reading
Debra Rienstra Obviously, even in my late forties, I still have some father issues to work out. I realized this afresh as I was reading
Colin Hoogerwerf If you stare closely at soil for long enough, you will see that it is alive. It is filled with micro and macro
Heidi Rupke Soon after my family and I joined an Episcopal church, a bulletin announcement seeking volunteer bakers for communion bread caught my attention. The
Harry Boonstra Since many Perspectives readers may be Reformed or Dutch (or both), this story of the early Dutch on the U.S. East Coast will
Ronald A. Wells No Longer Invisible, the latest in a series of books this remarkable academic couple has produced over the past decade, serves as
SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2013: POETRY by David Cho These are the days stretched long. The weeks when darkness sets, then the rain, the falling leaves, frost, the
SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2013: POETRY by Marci Rae Johnson —for Thom Caraway When you came up out of your office into the customary light you heard it.
Thom Fiet A woman stared at her portrait, still shimmering new from the hand of the master, Pablo Picasso. Before her, imprisoned in the frame,
Lawrence Dorr Jules Verne’s Le Tour du Monde en 80 Jours with its solid-red cover stuck out from among the other books on the shelves
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