by Liz Niehoff
O God,
our maker and source of comfort and stability,
in times of great waiting, tumult, and uncertainty,
we come before you humbly in prayer.
Guide our daily footsteps,
and give us always the helping patience of your grace,
so that we may seek to be
a source of light and uniting grace in this world,
your beloved creation,
through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
One God, now and forevermore.
Liz Niehoff is a New York native who has found her way left to the rumbly city by the Bay, San Francisco, in order to serve God’s people as a hospital chaplain. Currently, Liz is discerning with God what comes next. She just finished her CPE residency at UCSF Medical Center working with heart and lung transplant patients, and now is seeking a new call as a staff chaplain.