Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.         Ephesians 5:15-16

by Kristy Manion

Chronos tick-tocks on. Ready?
Honey toast is here–and
Did you find your other shoe?
Careful! Cup of juice there.
Stash your homework?
Wipe your fingers.
All right.
Clean then?
Set now?

But not so fast, please, Kairos murmurs. Bless
You, child, before you go….
For God–who made you–is the center. He
Exists outside of time.

So, Spirit,
Guard this heart and mind;
Bring discernment to these eyes;
May this soul expect surprise—
Which is God’s other name.

Gracious God,

You know all the days ordained for us before one of them comes to be.
Even when our times and seasons perplex us, they are plain to you.

Lord, you know the pitfalls of our hurry: the soul scars we bear; the fragmentation we feel; and the lack of clarity we experience—because time keeps on ticking, things change around us, and we struggle to keep pace.

So center us in you. Center us in what you have for us, today.

Help us “ruthlessly eradicate hurry,” as Dallas Willard admonished.
Help us recognize the important amidst the urgent.
Help us sift the best from the good–for the flourishing of our souls and the sake of your kingdom,
in Jesus’s name. Amen

Kristy Manion is a daughter of God seeking to bring him joy day by day. She is married to Josh, the mother of Micah, Isaac, and Amelia, and serves part-time as the minister of discipleship at LaGrave Avenue Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

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