There Are Lots of You Out There!

by Scott Hoezee

My involvement with Perspectives goes back to the 1990s when I occasionally wrote articles that I was thrilled to get published. By the year 2000 I was invited to join the Board of Editors and then later became Book Review editor and then a co-editor. I have fond memories of laughter and deep discussions with people like Jim Bratt, Leanne Van Dyk, Roy Anker, Tom Boogaart, and so many others.

But across all those years Perspectives, and then our blog site of The Twelve, existed because of the generosity of so many loyal readers, congregations, and schools. We never generated anywhere near enough income from subscriptions to keep the little enterprise afloat but we were gratified and sometimes amazed at the generosity of so many who believed that this particular platform for a Reformed voice on the issues of the day was necessary and so had to continue.

Here at The Twelve, we are always glad to see comments on our posts—the complimentary and the challenging. But I know that those who comment represent a tiny fraction of the hundreds—and for some posts of the thousands—of people who make The Twelve a regular stop on their daily perusal of the Internet. When I attend conferences or other gatherings, I am so grateful at the number of people who come up to me to say they appreciate my posts and that of my The Twelve colleagues. There are lots of you out there!

We want The Twelve to flourish and keep being a Reformed voice in these, shall we say, interesting times in which we live. But it will be a huge boost for us if those of you who value this enterprise could consider a financial gift—one time or recurring—so that we can keep the lights on and do the necessary design maintenance we need from time to time to keep the look fresh and vibrant. We are now and have always been an all-volunteer crew at Perspectives and The Twelve. Even so, there are costs to keeping such a thing going so please consider a gift to help us in this ministry of reflection, of challenge, of thoughtfulness (and now and again of also whimsy!).

Your generosity will be deeply appreciated. And thank you so much for reading!

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Scott Hoezee is the director of the Center for Excellence in Preaching at Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


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