The origins of Valentines Day are jumbled and uncertain. So much so that in 1969, the Roman Catholic Church knocked Saint Valentine’s Day off the calendar of holy days.

Nevertheless, Valentines persists. Today is the day for flowers and chocolate and dinner with a special person, school children exchanging little cards and those chalky candy hearts.Valentine hearts

The topic here on The Twelve is rarely romance, but it is often love.

On this Valentines Day, we humbly ask you to make a small gift to support The Twelve and Perspectives.

What might we be worth to you?
♥ A little nugget of sanity in your crazy day.
♥ A few words that warm your heart in the middle of winter.
♥ Something rousing, almost annoying, when you feel like pulling the blankets up even higher.

Like true love, The Twelve is free.
Also like true love, we need some attention, concern, and investment.
We’re not asking for flowers or candy. But your gift today would really mean a lot.
Thank you.

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