You’ve probably heard plenty about the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther nailing his 95 theses on the door of the church in Wittenberg, Germany.

Nearly equal in significance, did you know that today is also the sixth anniversary of the beginning of The Twelve? October 31, 2011, Perspectives began an experiment jauntily called The Twelve.  We’re over 2,100 posts into that experiment now

You know what you do on birthdays. You give gifts. Whether it is to honor Luther, or as a sign of gratitude to The Twelve, we ask you for a contribution today.

We hope The Twelve is part of the warp and woof of your daily life, woven into your routine. Sometimes rousing, sometimes poignant, sometimes infuriating, sometimes meh. But still there, with a new one coming tomorrow.

We thank you for reading, for your partnership, and your comments. We need your gifts. On this historic day, can we count on you?

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