With Taxes Now Behind Us

If you live in the United States, chances are that taxes, income taxes specifically, have been on your mind and part of your life in these last few days.

Now that taxes are behind you—for a little while at least, maybe you’re having one of these thoughts:

• I should increase my charitable giving this year. What is a good and worthy non-profit that I could support?

• I just gave a lot of money to the government. Maybe now it is incumbent upon me to give elsewhere to encourage the flourishing of this world.

Or maybe you’ve had no such thoughts.

Nonetheless, we do ask you to consider a gift to Perspectives and The Twelve today.

Size doesn’t matter. As much as we need financial support—and we do—your gifts are compliments to us, tokens of encouragement and gratitude.

We don’t cure any diseases. We don’t feed hungry children.

But we do run on volunteer efforts and a frugal budget. We long to further faithfulness, community, insight, even hope; yes, even love.

Please give your gift today. Simply click on the blue box in the upper right hand corner.

Thank you.

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