Many of you are doubtlessly familiar with Mary Oliver’s “The Summer’s Day”–with its moving invitation to attentiveness and to relishing one’s “one wild and precious life.” But in these long days of “ordinary time,” we might just need a reminder that even when things seem even less than ideal, even when we’ve seen something “a thousand times”–whether our environment, our people, our work–there is still more to see, more to love, more to celebrate.

Summer Morning
Mary Oliver
I implore you,
it’s time to come back
from the dark,

it’s morning,
the hill are pink
and the roses
whatever they felt

in the valley of night
are opening now
their soft dresses,
their leaves

are shining.
Why are you laggard?
Sure you have seen this
a thousand times,

which isn’t half enough.
Let the world
have its way with you,
luminous as it is

with mystery
and pain–
graced as it is
with the ordinary.

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