For the pastor at the beginning of Lent, from God

You’ve touched all the foreheads with oil and ash. You’ve set them off to follow Jesus to Jerusalem. You’ve planned all the Lenten services with a bit more simplicity, and the kyrie repeats in your head. 

That’s good. You need it now, don’t you? Mercy? 

Yes, the world needs it – far off places whose suffering haunts you. Yes, the people need it – nearby stories of pain that perch you on the edge of despair. Is anyone really okay? Lord, have mercy on us. 

And on you, dear child.  

I hear exhaustion in your heartbeat. I feel tiredness in you soul. Of course – you’re human. So listen when I say that it’s okay to want compassion and kindness for yourself. It’s okay to need someone to know this road is hard. It’s okay to let yourself say Lord, have mercy on me.  

I see you, beloved. I love you, child.  

Rest a moment here in this grace.  


Find your favorite Kyrie and immerse yourself in it, or listen to one here

Inhale: I rest 
Exhale: in your mercy 

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8 Responses

  1. So very well said … as I write this note, I recall a last-night’s dream – I was speaking to young ministers (as for me? I’m 79, though still doing interim work), and I said to them, “Ministry is an exhausting piece of work. Find someone older than yourself as companion and mentor.” Your sensitivity to the need for mercy is the key here – nothing wrong with the need, but often the minister, and the congregation, suppress such a thing. Anyway, thanks for today’s morning read (it’s not quite 6:00 AM here in Pasadena).

    1. Your subconscious has some words of wisdom to share! May you find rest in the mercy for yourself as you keep doing good work.

  2. …”and anyplace with water in the summertime”… and Marco Island in the early springtime?

    Thank you, Julie.

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