The swollen sun faithfully wakes.
The dawn whispers of her constancy and renewal.
Every day she rises,
and her watery warmth
spills across the surface of the earth.
It pushes through a smoky
translucent shroud
knit into the atmosphere
by the nimble fingers
of a world crumbling apart.
She is a silent promise fulfilled.
Day after day Her body lifts up from the depths.
Hot liquid pulsing ball of fire.
She rises gently,
Her long elegant fingers stretch across the sky turning everything she touches into gold,
The earth cradles her light in a tender embrace.
Ascending with quiet grace, she never questions her path.
She faithfully rises.
She rises
casting illumination, warmth, goodness
upon the darkness of the world.
No amount of smoke or smog or squalor will stand in the way
of what she knows
she needs to do—
let her light shine.
No amount of danger or darkness or devilry will prevent her from sliding herself into the night and blazing light across the earth.
She was made to shine.
She was made to nurture the growth of things
She was made to bring warmth and to illuminate
And she is always faithful to her purpose.
The light has come.
And the light is you.
Click on the title below to watch Christy’s five-minute meditative video.
She Rises by Christy Berghoef
The swollen sun faithfully wakes. The dawn whispers of her constancy and renewal. Every day she rises, and her watery warmth spills across the surface of the earth.
Read on SubstackShe Rises is the fourth installment in the five part Sacred Ground video series.