Early afternoon in late December:
Clouds covering the face of the sun
Parted and let light flood the living room,
A current picking up carpet fibers and dog hair,
Offering them up on tiny thermals,
An ordinary sacrifice
From time to eternity.
One small dust particle dances,
Pirouettes, waltzes, sighs,
And descends, drifting back
Into the blue and white carpet.
This – that is what you tell them.
This is why I believe.

Pierce Taylor Hibbs has written for Westminster Theological Journal, the Journal of Biblical Counseling, the Journal of Reformed Theology (forthcoming), First Things, Reformation21, Place for Truth, and Reformed Forum. He lives in Quakertown, Pennsylvania.

Photo: SnaPsi Сталкер/Flickr under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license.

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