20 things I’ve learned about ministry in my 20s

Friday the 13th of June, in the year of our Lord 2014, when the moon will be full, I will be entering a new decade. This realization has led me to introspection, a refreshing Old Fashion, and new dress shopping. On the more whimsical (and yet very honest) side of my reflection, I present to you 20 things I’ve learned about ministry in my 20s, Buzzfeed style.

  1. Sola gratia. I’m not playin’ ya’ll. It is all about the grace of Jesus.
  2. Friends who are also pastors, and are just as much into pop culture as you, are priceless.
  3. When it will be hard to sit still, you will find a source of strength in silent meditation.
  4. When you preach that big prophetic sermon, make sure you’re ready for the conversations afterward.
  5. Be you. Work hard to discover your voice in the pulpit and not a replica of someone else’s.
  6. Just dance. Especially to Lady Gaga whom you will remind everyone 20 times that she went to your church’s pre-school. #Shameless
  7. You have limitations.
  8. Sabbath. Not joking. Rest.
  9. Bon Jovi was right: you will be Livin’ on Prayer. That’s okay. This will get you out of your ego; God’s got you.
  10. A mentor, therapist, and spiritual director will be your bff.
  11. Love your congregation well. They will love you deeper into your call.
  12. Laugh.
  13. I know this will be difficult, but you don’t have to say everything that comes in your head. Listen.
  14. The first time you preside at the Lord’s Table you will accidentally say “impotent” instead of “impenitent.” Think of this as a good story to blog about when you’re 30.
  15. You live between water and dirt, baptism and Ash Wednesday.
  16. People will start looking to you as the young, hip, progressive Reformed minister to speak for your tradition. Trust your training and keep studying. You love this stuff!
  17. Love. Including yourself when you make those mistakes.
  18. Ordination will be one of the most incredible days of your life.
  19. Your spouse and best friend will be the most amazing gift of solidarity and love.
  20. I can’t imagine doing anything else in the whole world. I love being a Minister of Word and Sacrament!



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