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Re-membering the Body

I've been thinking a lot lately about bodies, probably mostly because I'm a new mom and I'm still trying to wrap my mind around what just happened to my own body. One minute it was there, familiar and reliable, and the next it was gone! Now, two months after our son's birth, I'm starting to see the remnants of my old waistline returning, even as I'm slowly gathering my wits back about me enough to be able to think, albeit…
Arika Theule-Van Dam
February 1, 2011

Light Gaps

It's amazing the things a plant will do to try to get more light. I've noticed, for example, that where I live--where days on end can pass during the winter months without a verifiable sighting of the sun--houseplants will turn their leaves toward any last scrap of light the sky's gray ceiling grudgingly lets through, contorting themselves with what looks like either stubborn determination or blind instinct till they've soaked up as much light as the day will give. I've…

Of Wocks and Women

My niece and I were collecting acorns in the driveway last week, scouring the area around the big oak tree in my brother's yard trying to find as many of the little brown "wocks" as we could, then depositing them in the bright plastic pail we'd fished out of the sandbox. This was a task to which nineteen- month-old Adrianna was fully committed, clearly, so I left her to her work, occasionally offering my support by pointing out an as-yet-undiscovered…
Arika Theule-Van Dam
October 1, 2009

Following the Leader

With the proliferation of books today on the subject of leadership, it's no wonder that some of us feel overwhelmed and confused by all the competing notions of "Christian" leadership. Whether we're a minister or a CEO, leadership gurus are positively clamoring for an opportunity to help us discern our particular leadership "style" or cultivate the characteristics of an "effective" leader. Add to all this the decidedly nebulous notion of "biblical" leadership, and the result is less than clear, to…
Arika Theule-Van Dam
March 16, 2004