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Learning to Be, Not Do, in Youth Ministry

Poetic Youth Ministry, by Jason Lief POETIC YOUTH MINISTRY: LEARNING TO LOVE YOUNG PEOPLE BY LETTING THEM GO JASON LIEF CASCADE BOOKS, 2015 $21 160 PAGES Poetic Youth Ministry, by Jason Lief, is a disruptive book on youth ministry. Opening with the Disney film WALL•E as an analogy for the challenging identity-formation journey young people face, Lief examines why the “faith scripts” taught in many of our churches often end in tragedy, with our young people choosing a different faith…
Darwin K. Glassford
January 4, 2017

Reconnecting Young People with the Disconnected Church

Imagine a young person falling out of her chair asleep during the sermon. How would those around her respond? Would they blame her for being inattentive or the pastor for being long winded? Eutychus, a young man, sunk into a deep sleep while Paul kept on talking. He then fell from the window and died. Paul raised him from the dead, broke bread and ate, and they talked until daylight (Acts 20 ). I wonder what those present thought about…
Darwin K. Glassford
August 1, 2007