Children of the Living God: A Reply
My thanks to Wendell Karsen for so thoughtfully and substantively engaging the “dialogue and discernment” process encouraged by our shared denomination, the Reformed Church in
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My thanks to Wendell Karsen for so thoughtfully and substantively engaging the “dialogue and discernment” process encouraged by our shared denomination, the Reformed Church in
Anyone up for a good news story–of the church leading the culture in a direction we can all, across our differences, applaud? Prepare to smile.
David G. Myers, Ralph Blair, Marilyn Paarlberg In his forthcoming book No Condemnation! (Wipf Stock), Lutheran scholar Gary E. Gilthvedt observes that “there is nothing
AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2012: ESSAY by David G. Myers “Here are five reasons Christians should continue to publicly and winsomely oppose bestowing the term and institution of
“Homosexuality is a burden that homosexual people are called to bear, and bear as morally as possible, even though they never chose to bear it”
When I first read the Dawkins/Harris/Hitchens “new atheist” argument–that all religions are “dangerous” (as well as false)–I thought: these guys are ill-informed. To counter their
An affirmative answer to Reinhold Niebuhr’s famous prayer begins with the wisdom to distinguish what we can change from what we cannot. Some traits, it’s
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