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Real Sex: The Naked Truth about Chastity

As someone who has been involved in youth ministry for almost four decades, I can tell you that I have read dozens of books on Christian sexual behavior, looking for solid guidance in this area of great concern for both teens and their parents. Because the subject scared them to death, parents often demanded that the ministries of the church instruct their children in chastity. Let me rephrase that--the demand actually was closer to a command to keep their teens…
Eunice McGarrahan
March 16, 2006

After Baptism: Shaping the Christian Life

Pastors who think about it will tell you that baptismal practice in the church is anemic. This is not a new or recent diagnosis. Calvin complained of the baptismal practice of his day, as did Barth in his time. In many places, baptism is just a cultural rite of passage. Congregations expect to laugh and smile. The babies are lifted up and adored. There is little grasp of the cosmic significance of the event: this child is being united to…
Eunice McGarrahan
February 15, 2006

God and On-Star

Marvel once again at the ingenuity of the television and radio commercial writers. You've heard the General Motors On-Star ads. A woman is in her car in the middle of nowhere and an emergency arises. She pushes her On-Star  button and there is an immediate answer from the heavens via satellite phone. Locked out? We'll unlock your car right now over the air waves. Flat tire? We know exactly who to call and they will be there as fast as…
Eunice McGarrahan
March 16, 2004