The three tellings of Uncle Jay’s story
I don’t know where Dad got his hair cut regularly, but I remember that a trip to Cedar Grove, just down the pike, was rare,
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I don’t know where Dad got his hair cut regularly, but I remember that a trip to Cedar Grove, just down the pike, was rare,
If my sense of the past is anywhere close to accurate, I’d guess John A. Vogel was a silent type who, on the rare occasion
I didn’t see the Twin Towers go down on 9/11. Let me take that back—because I was in class, I didn’t see the collapse, not
It’s that season again when, out back whacking weeds, I’m accosted by Sunday School melodies that seep into my consciousness from some obscure memory tank
Just exactly why the Fool Soldiers decided to rescue the hostages White Lodge and his band had captured–and abused–is a question no one will ever
For someone like myself, not to bring up the CRC Synod, which begins today, is quite frankly impossible. Pardon the me-ness of what’s here, but
David Brooks’ gracious tribute to Tim Keller in Tuesday’s New York Times is the kind of lament that manages somehow to bring light into and through the palpable
I’d like to believe it was the music that did it. What was going around him, what spread like a prairie fire, must have tested
If you’re following the Trail, when you get to the river, hold on to that GPS because while finding the First Council Monument doesn’t require
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