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In Excelsis Deo

In green spaces, the young run drills--call their Cruyff turns Swange; say the footballs they orbit are honeycomb worlds.
Jane Zwart
December 6, 2022

O Oriens

O Oriens: Light that breaks, that cracks the void; match for God to phosphoresce with gust of words.
Jane Zwart
December 28, 2021

The Great Inviter

W. Dale Brown, put in front of an audience, was always disarming: smart, artless, arch – and Calvin College’s Festival of Faith and Writing put him in front of many audiences. Given his druthers, though, Dale would station himself at the back of a crowd. From there, he could wink at the latecomers. He could chuckle, a little less than circumspect, at the speakers’ jokes and quirks. He could whisper along with the poets and commit the orators’ maxims to…
Jane Zwart
February 28, 2015


"Take the story we retell every epiphany," said my pastor, Jack Roeda. So, here it is, the story we retell every epiphany: the magi saw a star rise, and it pulled them to Bethlehem, where they saw God incarnate, and then they went home the long way, evading Herod (Matthew 2). "But these sage astronomers also took the long way to Christ," Jack said; "they took the route of general revelation." Indeed. The magi, as yet unacquainted with Christ, did…
Jane Zwart
December 1, 2010