Two Souvenirs
As promised in my last blog, the guest blogger today is my dear friend and colleague Jane Zwart, who teaches in Calvin College’s English Department.
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As promised in my last blog, the guest blogger today is my dear friend and colleague Jane Zwart, who teaches in Calvin College’s English Department.
During this long, cold month of January, I’ve spent my time teaching—with my lovely friend and very talented colleague, Jane Zwart—an interim class entitled “Faith
Trust in the LORD and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Psalm 37:3 The polar vortex last week had me looking at
At one point in T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets, the speaker has a rather Dantean meeting with one of his long-dead teachers. Of course, he is
As I was driving around town today—taking a break from grading by buying a few last-minute Christmas presents—I saw the billboards announcing that MegaMillions is
I had a different topic in mind for this week’s blog, but I have come back again and again to the poem below in the
I’m very much looking forward to Thanksgiving next week. It’s definitely my favorite holiday, hands-down. Of course, I love the food (and the break from
When going through some of my mother’s papers, I discovered a very old church newsletter she had kept. That particular issue featured a column in
I’m very proud to have as my guest on the blog today my student Alexander Westenbroek. Alex is from Grand Rapids and is pursuing a
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