O, Holy Shit
A guest post by my partner and fellow minister, Jim Kast-Keat. A poem he wrote reflecting on the gravity of Immanuel – God with us.
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A guest post by my partner and fellow minister, Jim Kast-Keat. A poem he wrote reflecting on the gravity of Immanuel – God with us.
NYC The snow was falling in New York City as the hungry people gathered around the church doorsteps at West End Collegiate Church. About 75
It has been a full and demanding week for me. I was at my office until 9 PM and was up this morning at 5
On a long commute home on the A train, I recently finished Marilyn Chandler McEntyre’s book Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies. Have you
What art captivates your attention? I remember the first time I walked through the Museum of Modern Art, I felt like I was Alice who
Have you seen the video of Banksy selling art in Central Park yet? Or even better, did you see the art stand in Central Park?
I can’t remember how I first heard of the Reverend Nadia Bolz-Weber but like a hipster in Brooklyn saying they liked a band before it
The day I was ordained by the Holland Classis to the office of Minister of Word and Sacrament was one of the most incredible days
Confession: I love social media. I am tired of people berating social media and proclaiming that it is the downfall of personal interaction. I just
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