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Give Us This Day

Eating is so fundamental that it is one of the first things we do after we are born, yet eating seems to be increasingly complex and fraught with moral dilemma. It used to be that eating's biggest challenge was simply being able to do it. When humans were hunters and gatherers, most of the day's activity would have centered on procuring enough calories to sustain a tribe. When humans became farmers, life still centered on cultivating the crops and tending…
Joan Zwagerman Curbow
January 1, 2008

Christ as Mixed Metaphor

Although Jesus often used similes to describe the Kingdom of Heaven, he tended to use metaphors to talk about himself. "The Kingdom of Heaven is like this or that," Jesus said, "but let me tell you who I am." When Jesus declared himself the bread of life in the sixth chapter of John, he prefigured his death, his willingness to be broken and poured out in eternal remembrance of God's saving love. As God provided manna in the desert, so…
Joan Zwagerman Curbow
January 1, 2008

A Few Frames from 2006: Family Values and 9/11 as Viewed by Hollywood

FEBRUARY 2007: ESSAY by Joan Zwagerman Curbow If you have missed most of the movies of 2006, a number of them were available on DVD before the end of the year. Each of these films has garnered their share of attention in Hollywood, but for those of us outside the soundstage, they offer more than award nominations. Without bludgeoning, they touch upon two volatile issues--family values and 9/11--and this year Hollywood trumped the political arena by exploring these themes with…
Joan Zwagerman Curbow
February 15, 2007