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Justice on Trial

OCTOBER 2012: REVIEW by Johnathan Kana Atonement, Justice, and Peace: The Message of the Cross and the Mission of the Church Darrin W. Snyder Belousek Eerdmans, 2012. $55.00. 684 pages. Penal substitution apologists, beware: this weighty tome is not for the doctrinally faint of heart. Darrin Belousek critiques the common evangelical understanding of Jesus' death with keen philosophical insight and exegetical rigor sufficient to unsettle even the most studied proponent of evangelicalism's standard soteriology. He forces readers to scrutinize their…
Johnathan Kana
October 1, 2012

Time: A Non-Renewable Resource

I recently came across a letter I wrote to my wife as I was beginning my fiveyear prison sentence. There in my tiny little cell at the county jail, awaiting the terrifying uncertainties of the years ahead, I was learning just what old convicts mean when they say, "Do your time. Don't let your time do you." Here's an excerpt: My mind just won't quiet down. I keep pacing the room, laying down, getting up again. I tried sleeping some…
Johnathan Kana
December 16, 2010