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Singleness and Celibacy: A Response to David Myers

In the August/September Perspectives, David Myers points to social trends that are occurring in attitudes about homosexuality. He goes on to argue in favor of accepting homosexual marriage. I recognize that the trends he points out are real and likely to grow. In particular, the perception that the church is "intolerant" is likely to grow. Though I accept his social observations, I must challenge two points in his argument. First, and briefly, is his observation that since only 7 of…
Kent Van Til
December 1, 2012

Not Too Much Sovereignty for Economics, Please: Abraham Kuyper and Mainstream Economics

NOVEMBER 2008: ESSAY Not Too Much Sovereignty for Economics, Please: Abraham Kuyper and Mainstream Economics by Kent A. Van Til Humans tell stories. To our knowledge, we are the only earthly creatures who can. The fact that we can entails memory and imagination. We interpret the past and construct possible futures, and do so in part by the stories we choose to tell. Though all our stories are told in and about the same world, they are all somewhat fictitious…
Kent Van Til
November 15, 2008