Marie Ippel teaches and learns at Rehoboth Christian School in Gallup, New Mexico. Her middle school science classroom is one of her favorite places to be. She likes to walk the high desert trails in the nearby red rocks and ponderosa forest with her family, friends, or all by herself. And she loves a good book with a cup of chai.
I recommend this helpful book for all of us who are not therapists, yet find ourselves searching for ways to have therapeutic moments with students, our family, church members, friends, or ourselves.
In Boss’ book, the scarcity and cold that characterizes the lives of animals in the peak of winter is held in tension with the promise that the sun will begin to shine more each day, that the snow will melt, spring ephemerals will bloom, trees will bud, and bugs will emerge. Animals are one guide God gives us to see how to live in that tension without fear.