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Of Metaphysics and Theology

In the spring of 1976 I was hired to join the philosophy department at Hope College. The course schedule for the fall semester had of necessity been set up before then. It included an upper division elective in philosophy of mind, focusing on the mind/body problem. The understanding was that whoever was hired would be asked to teach that course, among others. Fortunately, I was well equipped to give such a course, although it was not at all within the…
Merold Westphal
February 1, 2011

A Friendly Letter

There are few things in life that never disappoint. As a writer, David Myers is one of them. Here, once again, one finds his graceful writing and gracious manner, combined with a deep knowledge of psychological research and willing self-identification as a "faith-head" in the Reformed tradition. The letter is addressed to those, such as Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, who argue that religion as such is both false and toxic. The "Why God is Good" part of the subtitle…
Merold Westphal
April 1, 2010

The Privilege of Touching

Walter died recently. He was 93. He was blind and a home-bound member of our congregation. For the last five years of his life I visited him on a regular basis as part of our Parish Visitor program. By visiting our shut-ins at least once a month, lay persons supplement the calling ministry of our pastor and vicar (seminary intern). Although Walter's eyes were dim, his mind was sharp and he had a wonderful sense of humor. He was also…
Merold Westphal
June 1, 2006