Loving Your Neighbor Thru Allyship
Do Justice explores what it means to be an ally to people with disabilities.
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Do Justice explores what it means to be an ally to people with disabilities.
Carol Bechtel looks at the troubling and controversial passages in 1 Corinthians.
What a decade of an open, curious, and non-defensive pope has done for the Catholic Church.
A review of the new film about the “Jesus Freaks” and Chuck Smith in the 1960s. From “The Anxious Bench” on Patheos.
What you need to know about Beth Moore is that she is human.
Comedian/actor Nick Offerman shares about encountering Wendell Berry as recorded Berry’s recent book for audiobooks.
“A Theology of the Present Moment”
Does require signing up for the New York Review of Books newsletter, or being a subscriber, for access.
As the nation unravels, what has been the role of American missions over the decades? From CT
Where do the Canadian churches stand as euthanasia increases there?
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