The Southernization of American Evangelicalism
The rise of the rural South and Sunbelt in American Evangelicalism, from Patheos.
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The rise of the rural South and Sunbelt in American Evangelicalism, from Patheos.
The renowned Jewish biblical scholar looks the texts that typically come into play in discussions of welcoming LGBTQ people in the church.
Little churches still matter. How the community responded when the Venezuelan immigrants were sent without notice from Florida.
The cupboard in my soul that holds wonderings, trivia, and odd observations is overflowing once again. Time for another installment of random things. Here’s ten
The impact of complementarian theology on women, from Patheos.
Writing in Sojourners, the former General Secretary of the RCA, shares his impression of the WCC assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany.
Separation of church and state is “very thin, if not non-existent.” Eleven minute video clip from Meet the Press.
Kristin Kobe DuMez, part of a frightening piece about Christian Nationalism.
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