My Vision at Synod
So, I’m sort of proud of it. Sort of embarrassed. Sort of doubting it. Still, I’ll put it out there bluntly and without caveat. I
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So, I’m sort of proud of it. Sort of embarrassed. Sort of doubting it. Still, I’ll put it out there bluntly and without caveat. I
PC(USA) declares itself to be a “sanctuary and accompaniment” church.
Diana Butler Bass on Andy Stanley’s new book.
Christian colleges will inevitably be places of disagreement and debate if they are to value nuance and seek truth.
The US Speaker of the House was welcomed to the Sacrament on a recent visit to Rome, despite her home diocese refusing her over her
Huff Post Senior Correspondent, Jonathan Cohn, tries to understand Calvin U. and the Kuilema controversy.
In the light of the CRC Synod, the Calvin U prof responds to those who fan the flames of division, especially Rod Dreher.
A brief four-minute video Brooks at Biologos Conference commenting on faith.
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