Sodom, archaeology, and academic credentials
Claims to have found the site of Sodom and evidence of its destruction have unleashed a firestorm in the academic community.
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Claims to have found the site of Sodom and evidence of its destruction have unleashed a firestorm in the academic community.
Performative Christianity operates out of a place of assumed privilege. That is a privilege so taken for granted that the average American Christian has no
Adam Hochschild reviews three new books that examine the rise of the politics of resentment.
A historian recalls how those he thought were dangerous turned out to be helpful and wise.
Carey Nieuwhof explores what deconstruction is and what it isn’t.
For the second time, Rev. Dr. Ioan Sauca, acting General Secretary of the World Council of Churches, writes the Russian Patriarch asking for his help
Ryan Burge looks at the data. Is the American church’s obituary premature?
Who was the other walker with Jesus on the way Emmaus? How have artists portrayed the story?
Marc Chagall’s use of Christian symbols to express Jewish pain.
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