After Trump, Pastors Shed “Evangelical” Label
Is the label “Evangelical” purely political and beyond redemption?
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Is the label “Evangelical” purely political and beyond redemption?
The DIocese of Catania in Sicily experiments with banning the practice of godparents, saying it has lost “all spiritual significance.”
When people announce that they’re “leaving the Christian faith” or are “no longer believers,” I am sad. I am hurt. I am exasperated. I’m sad
I’m missing the friction that should exist between a faithful life and accepted normalcy. Maybe I miss the weirdness of my poor, Jesusy, hippie childhood
Barr’s strong reply to DeYoung, and even more a complete take down of the sexism and bias of the English Standard Version of the Bible.
The progressive Christian festival in North Carolina’s mountains struggles to address the deep racism built into so much of its assumptions.
Meeting in Tucson, Arizona, the widest decision-making body of the Reformed Church in America is on the verge of fracturing.
The acerbic comedian, who died last month, hinted at faith and became gentler in comedy, as he aged.
The show may not only be popular, it may be important and teach us about true discipleship.
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