Altar Call for Evangelical America: Russell Moore on NPR
Former SBC leader, now CT editor, interviewed by NPR about his newest book.
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Former SBC leader, now CT editor, interviewed by NPR about his newest book.
Dismantling the myth that slavery in the ancient world, or biblical times, was somehow “not so bad.”
How the Barbie movie makes a 30 year old song relevant again. From NYT: may be pay walled.
Interesting and important reading for ministers and their families — from Reformed Church Board of Benefits Services.
Well-known Jesuit writer, Father James Martin, tackles questions like “Why be religious?” “Are all religions the same?” and more.
From “Small Church/Big Table” — it’s more than just the clobber passages.
Lots of retirements, crushing debt for students, and fewer churches able to pay. Work-arounds and creative solutions.
Obvious to some. Controversial to others. NPR interviews Lisa Miller, psychologist from Columbia University, about her research into health and happiness.
Phil Yancey’s latest blog about grace and lunch with the Irish super group.
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