Adopted into God’s Family
OCTOBER 2012: ESSAY by J. Todd Billings In 2010, my wife Rachel and I traveled to Ethiopia to adopt a lovely little girl. We know
OCTOBER 2012: ESSAY by J. Todd Billings In 2010, my wife Rachel and I traveled to Ethiopia to adopt a lovely little girl. We know
OCTOBER 2012: RESPONSE by Scott Hoezee In his attempt to bolster the contention that all of creation is a “text” on which pastors should preach
OCTOBER 2012: AS WE SEE IT by Jack Du Mez I grew up in a socially and politically conservative small town in Wisconsin—very conservative. In
OCTOBER 2012: AS WE SEE IT by Jack R. Van Der Slik It is one of the most precious rituals of American democracy. On November
OCTOBER 2012: AS WE SEE IT by Danny Iverson I buried Daniel last Friday. He was nineteen years old. It’s been two weeks since he
AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2012: INSIDE OUT by Jason Lief “Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to
AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2012: REVIEW Praying for Strangers River Jordon Berkley, 2011 $24.95. 336 pages. In “Reflections on the Right Use of School Studies with a View
AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2012: POETRY by Julia Spicher Kasdorf after Rilke Little one, let the monarchs flex and rest on the sand before their long migrations. Ease
AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2012: ESSAY by John Van Sloten “[God] himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.” –Acts 17:25 We say we believe this, but
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