Dylan Thomas: Getting One Big Thing Right
NOVEMBER 2008: ESSAY by Robert Lowes I don’t like walking around by myself in dark buildings late at night, but there I was in my
NOVEMBER 2008: ESSAY by Robert Lowes I don’t like walking around by myself in dark buildings late at night, but there I was in my
NOVEMBER 2008: ESSAY by Eugene Roberts While I am not a disciple of Abraham Kuyper, the discussion generated by Steve Mathonnet-Vander well (“Reformed Intramurals,” February
NOVEMBER 2008: ESSAY Not Too Much Sovereignty for Economics, Please: Abraham Kuyper and Mainstream Economics by Kent A. Van Til Humans tell stories. To our
NOVEMBER 2008: REVIEW by J. Todd Billings I was trying to nap in the bedroom of my small mud-floored, grass-thatched hut in Uganda, but I
NOVEMBER 2008: REVIEW by Robert Hubbard Shakespeare’s “difficult” plays fall into two categories: alluring messes and rigorous masterpieces. On the last day of May 2008,
NOVEMBER 2008: INSIDE OUT by Steve Mathonnet-VanderWell The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Luke
NOVEMBER 2008: LETTER Dear Editors: Thank you for the powerful and evocative article on “Tradition” by Daniel Meeter in the October issue ofPerspectives. It’s an
Why spend time talking about being Reformed and missional? The short answer to that question is: “Because it’s a really good idea…and besides, the 2007
Rick Burns It was a hot late August day in 1986 on mid-coast Maine. My wife, Kathryn, had given me poor directions and we were
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