Gaming Meets God
One of the most significant popular culture texts today is gaming (console and computer). Video games pervade adolescent culture and significantly influence the U.S. economy
One of the most significant popular culture texts today is gaming (console and computer). Video games pervade adolescent culture and significantly influence the U.S. economy
INTRODUCTION We are living in confusing times. Many culture watchers are convinced that our society is undergoing a transformation of broad proportions. This cultural shift
It’s been many years now, but I can still remember the intense emotional rush inspired by Luke Sky walker lifting an X-wing spacecraft in the
I am constantly trying to convince my husband that our nine dollar monthly investment in basic cable is worth every penny, even on our meager
Imagine a young person falling out of her chair asleep during the sermon. How would those around her respond? Would they blame her for being
As I write this essay, there are only three days left until the arrival of the long-awaited Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Like Harry
One should not be misled by the title, Pray Without Ceasing, for this is not just another book about prayer. It is indeed about prayer,
Often on a particularly stressful day, I will make the intentional decision to visit a nursing home or the home of one of our church’s
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